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Results From Other Traders

Shamica L: Struggling trader looking to grow her account to six figures and beyond

Result: Testimonial "I just got out of a trade and I'm all smiles. I made another $348,000 bringing my brokerage account to $1.3 million dollars in just 10 weeks."

Jason Sweeting: Founder of J The Trader who worked with Tradechology to fix a severe losing streak

RESULT: "In December, I lost my father and went on a multi-thousand dollar losing streak. After working with Marcus, in the month of January, I didn't call one losing trade...not one."

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Securities Used as Examples: The securities used in this example are used for illustrative purposes only. The calculation used to determine the return on investment “ROI” does not include the number of trades, commissions, or any other factors used to determine ROI. The ROI calculation measures the profitability of investment and, as such, there are alternate methods to calculate/express it. All information provided are for educational purposes only and does not imply, express, or guarantee future returns. Past performance shown in examples may not be indicative of future performance.

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